To view long output from utilities like ls,
you need to pipe the output into a pager, such as
more or less : `ls | less`
The `|` (pipe) sends(, or pipes), the output from the command on the left (ls) into the input of the command on the right (less) as arguments.
To scroll up/down in a terminal without support for mouse, just press `SHIFT + pgUP/pgDOWN`. Although the amount you can scroll depends on terminal's scrollback buffer.
Now, to increase scrollback buffer size-
you need to pipe the output into a pager, such as
more or less : `ls | less`
The `|` (pipe) sends(, or pipes), the output from the command on the left (ls) into the input of the command on the right (less) as arguments.
- Press the spacebar or `f` to scroll down the output by a page. Or `d` for half-a-page.
- Press `b` or `ESC-v` to scroll up the output by a page. Or `u` for half-a-page
- Press the `q` key to quit the pager.
- To search for some text type `/something`
- Try `man less` for more information.
To scroll up/down in a terminal without support for mouse, just press `SHIFT + pgUP/pgDOWN`. Although the amount you can scroll depends on terminal's scrollback buffer.
Now, to increase scrollback buffer size-
- Press Ctrl-a then : and then type scrollback 10000
- to get a 10000 line buffer, for example.
- You can also set the default number of scrollback lines by adding defscrollback 10000
- to your ~/.screenrc file.
- Another tip: Ctrl-a i shows your current buffer setting.
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